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This is the verbatim text of the ddgutil.h include file.
    Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Alex Pfaffe
        (Digital Dawn Graphics Inc)
    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _ddgUtil_Class_
#define _ddgUtil_Class_

#include "util/ddg.h"
#ifdef CRYSTAL
#include "cstypes.h"

#if !defined(WIN32) || (defined(OS_WIN32) && defined (COMP_GCC))
#ifdef DDG
#include <strstream.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
#define sqrtf   sqrt
#define cosf    cos
#define sinf    sin
#define atan2f  atan2
#define fabsf   fabs
#define acosf   acos
#define logf    log
#define powf    pow

#ifndef MAXFLOAT
#define MAXFLOAT  99999999
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI      3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751


#define sq(a) ((a)*(a))
// Some convenient angle functions.
// Convert degrees to radians
#define PITCH   0
#define YAW     1
#define ROLL    2
unsigned int const ddgAngle_res = 16;

#define ddgPi   M_PI

class WEXP ddgAngle
    static float _cosTable[180*ddgAngle_res+1];
    static float _acosTable[180*ddgAngle_res+1];
    inline static float degtorad(float d) { return (d * (float)M_PI / 180.0f); }
    inline static float radtodeg(float r) { return (r * 180.0f / (float)M_PI); }
    inline static float ttorad(float t) { return (t * 2.0f * (float)M_PI); }
    inline static float mod(float a) { return a >= 360.0f ? a - 360.0f : ( a < 0.0f ? a + 360.0f : a ); }
    inline static float cotf(float a) { return cosf(a)/sinf(a); }
    static float cos( float angle);
    inline static float sin( float angle) { return cos(angle-90.0f);} 
    static float acos( float value);
    static float asin( float value) { return acos(1.0-value);}

#undef min
#undef max
class WEXP ddgUtil
    inline static float clamp(float v, float a,float b)
        { return (v) < a ? a : ((v) > b ? b : (v)); }
    inline static float linterp(float a, float b, float x)
        { return a + (b-a)*x;}
    inline static float binterp(float a, float b, float x)
                if ( x < a ) return 0; if ( x >= b) return 1;
        x = (x - a ) / (b-a);
        return (x*x * (3 - 2*x));
    inline static float einterp(float a, float b, float x)
        return a+(b-a)*(powf(2.0,8.0*x)/256.0);
    inline static float cinterp(float a, float b, float x)
        float f = (1 - ddgAngle::cos(x * 360))*0.5;
        return a*(1-f) + b * f;
        inline static float wrap( float v, float a, float b)
        { return v < a ? v + b - a + 1: ( v > b ? v - b + a -1 : v ); }
        inline static float diff( float v1, float v2)
        { return v1 < v2 ? (v2-v1):(v1-v2); }
        inline static float idiff( float v1, float v2)
        { return v1 < v2 ? (v2-v1):(v1-v2); }
        inline static float max( float v1, float v2)
        { return v1 < v2 ? v2:v1; }
        inline static float min( float v1, float v2)
        { return v1 > v2 ? v2:v1; }
        inline static float abs( float v1)
        { return v1 > 0 ? v1:-v1; }
        static bool DetectSIMD(void);

class WEXP ddgFileHelper
        static void setDataDirectory( const char *dataDir );
        static char *getFullFileName( const char *filename );
        static void clear(void);

class WEXP ddgConsoleMessage
        static int      _last;
        static void console(const char *msg);
        static void progress( char *s, int p, int total);
        static char *consoleMessage(void);
        static ostrstream &consoleStream(void);
#define ddgConsole(msg) { \
        ddgConsoleMessage::consoleStream().seekp(0); \
        ddgConsoleMessage::consoleStream() << msg << ends; \
        ddgConsoleMessage::console(ddgConsoleMessage::consoleMessage()); \
        ddgConsoleMessage::consoleStream().flush(); \
#else // !DDGSTREAM
        #define ddgConsole(msg)
#endif // DDGSTREAM

class WEXP ddgListNode
    ddgListNode* _next;
    inline ddgListNode() { _next = 0; }
    inline ddgListNode* next( ddgListNode* t = 0 )
                return (t? _next = t : _next); 

class WEXP ddgList
    unsigned int _no;
    ddgListNode*  _head;
    ddgList() { _no = 0; _head = 0; }
    inline void add( ddgListNode* t) { t->next(_head); _head = t; _no++; }
    inline void remove( ddgListNode* t) {
                ddgListNode *c = _head, *p = 0;
                        if (t == c) 
                                if (p) p->next(t->next());
                                if (p==_head) _head = t->next(); c=0;
                        else { p = c; c = c->next(); }
    inline unsigned int size() { return _no; }
    inline ddgListNode* head( ddgListNode *h = 0) { return (h? _head = h: _head); }

// Useful macros to parse commandline arguments.
// Assumes text array is in 'argv' and arg count is in 'argc'.
// Assumes current arguments index is in 'argi'.
// Assumes keywords are prefixed with '-'
#define ddgArgMatchValue(s)              (argi < argc && ddgStr::equal(argv[argi],"-"##s))
#define ddgArgMatch(s) (ddgArgMatchValue(s) && (++argi) < argc)


Generated at Sun Sep 17 19:27:54 2000 for Digital Dawn Graphics Toolkit by doxygen 0.49-991205 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1999