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This is the verbatim text of the ddgbbox.h include file.
    Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 by Alex Pfaffe
        (Digital Dawn Graphics Inc)
    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _ddgBBox_Class_
#define _ddgBBox_Class_

#ifdef DDG
#include "math/ddgvec.h"
#include "math/ddggeom.h"
#include "csgeom/math3d.h"
#include "csterr/util/ddg.h"
#include "csterr/math/ddggeom.h"

// Visibility data. 1 byte.
typedef unsigned char ddgClipFlags;
enum {
  DDGCF_LIN    = 1 << 0, 
  DDGCF_RIN    = 1 << 1, 
  DDGCF_TIN    = 1 << 2, 
  DDGCF_BIN    = 1 << 3, 
  DDGCF_NIN    = 1 << 4, 
  DDGCF_FIN    = 1 << 5, 
  DDGCF_ALLIN  = 1 << 6, 
  DDGCF_ALLOUT = 1 << 7  


// Visibility data. 2 bits.
typedef unsigned char ddgVisState;

enum ddgVis { ddgOUT=0, ddgPART=1, ddgIN=2, ddgUNDEF = 3};

class WEXP ddgBBox {
        ddgVector3 _min;
        ddgVector3 _max;
        static short _corner[8][3];
        typedef enum { XLT, XGT, YLT, YGT, ZLT, ZGT } Split;
        ddgBBox(float xc = 0.0, float xd = MAXFLOAT, 
           float yc = 0.0, float yd = MAXFLOAT, 
           float zc = 0.0, float zd = MAXFLOAT);
        ddgBBox(const ddgVector3 &min, const ddgVector3 &max);
        void set(float xmin = -MAXFLOAT, float xmax = MAXFLOAT,
                     float ymin = -MAXFLOAT, float ymax = MAXFLOAT,
                     float zmin = -MAXFLOAT, float zmax = MAXFLOAT);
        void set(const ddgVector3 &min, const ddgVector3 &max)
        { _min = min; _max = max; }

        float minx( void ) { return _min[0]; }
        float miny( void ) { return _min[1]; }
        float minz( void ) { return _min[2]; }
        float maxx( void ) { return _max[0]; }
        float maxy( void ) { return _max[1]; }
        float maxz( void ) { return _max[2]; }

        ddgVector3 *min(void) { return &_min; }
        ddgVector3 *max(void) { return &_max; }
        void setx(float min, float max)
          _min[0] = min;
          _max[0] = max;
        void sety(float min, float max)
          _min[1] = min;
          _max[1] = max;
        void setz(float min, float max)
          _min[2] = min;
          _max[2] = max;

        float cornerx(int n);
        float cornery(int n);
        float cornerz(int n);
        void copy(ddgBBox *src);
        void split(Split side, float value = 0 );
        ddgVector3 centre(void)
        { return ( _min + _max ) * 0.5;}
        void move(ddgVector3 o)
        { _min = _min + o; _max = _max + o; }
        void scale(ddgVector3 s)
                ddgVector3 c(_min + _max);
                c = c * 0.5;
                ddgVector3 d(c - _min);
                d[0] *= s[0];
                d[1] *= s[1];
                d[2] *= s[2];
                _min = c - d;
                _max = c + d;
        float distancesq( ddgVector3 *p);
        float distance( ddgVector3 *p) { return sqrtf(distancesq(p)); }
        bool intersect( ddgVector3 *p1, ddgVector3 *p2);
        bool intersect( ddgBBox *b );
        ddgVector3 size(void) { return _max - _min; }
    ddgClipFlags visibleSpace( ddgBBox b, float tanHalfFOV );
        ddgVis isVisible(ddgPlane Planes[6]);



Generated at Thu Apr 6 00:42:26 2000 for Digital Dawn Graphics Toolkit by doxygen 0.49-991205 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1999