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Digital Dawn Graphics Toolkit Compound List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- ddgAngle (General utility object to perform conversions for angles)
- ddgAxis (Render an X,Y,Z axis somewhere in the scene)
- ddgBBox3 (Axis Aligned Bounding box object)
- ddgBox (A box object for rendering)
- ddgCHull2 (2D version of the convex hull)
- ddgCHull3 (The Convex Hull class defines a volume defined by a set of planes)
- ddgCHullSet (The Hull set defines a set of clipping volumes)
- ddgCamera (Camera object to manage a scene and connect to a viewport)
- ddgCameraObj (Draw a camera object in the scene)
- ddgClippedFacetSet (Class to represent a facetset whose facets are on or off depending on whether they are visible from the given camera)
- ddgClipper (This class defines a clip plane, any objects added to this node are affected by the clip plane)
- ddgClock (General purpose real-time clock object)
- ddgCloud (A semi transparent cloud texture object which scrolls)
- ddgColor3 (A convenience object to support colors)
- ddgColor4 (A convenience object to support colors)
- ddgColorNode (A ddgColor3 object which can be added to a ddgColorSet)
- ddgColorSet (Maintain a set of colors which can be indexed)
- ddgConsoleMessage (A simple console class)
- ddgContext (The context object maintains the state of the current view)
- ddgControl (The context object maintains the position and orientation of an object)
- ddgCulling (This class has functionality to cull the scene contained in the octree)
- ddgCylinder (An cylinder object which will adjust its level of detail based on estimated screen space error)
- ddgDLNode (A node which supports display lists)
- ddgDome (A dome shape)
- ddgEco (DdgEco)
- ddgEcoBlock (A eco block object defines object positions within a region of an ecosystem)
- ddgEcoLightSource (DdgEcoLightSource)
- ddgEcoListEntry (DdgEcoListEntry)
- ddgEcoParams (DdgEcoParams)
- ddgEcoSynthesizer (DdgEcoList)
- ddgEcoSystem (An ecology object defines the whereabouts of object data across a terrain)
- ddgEcosystem (DdgEcosystem)
- ddgError (A class to handle error codes and exiting on error)
- ddgEventHandler (This object maintains a set of event handlers)
- ddgFacetSet (Class to represent a facet on an icosahedron or a regular subtriangulation thereof)
- ddgFileHelper (This global class can is used to define a root directory from which all data files are referenced)
- ddgFog (This object can be inserted in to a scene)
- ddgForest (A forest can render trees)
- ddgForestBlock (A forest can render trees)
- ddgFrameBuffer (A convenience object to store a 2D image)
- ddgGeneralObj (A yellow object located at the origin)
- ddgGeodesic (Class to represent a facet on an icosahedron or a regular subtriangulation thereof)
- ddgGrass (A Tree object)
- ddgGrid (A Two dimension grid oriented in the X,Y or Z direction)
- ddgGround (A flat ground texture object which cuts through the world)
- ddgGroup (This object is used to store an ordered collection of entities)
- ddgHeightMap (A 16bit heightmap object which can be read from various file formats)
- ddgHistogram (Abstract histogram object to collect data)
- ddgHistograph (Graphic Overlay rendering object which can be used to render 2D histogram onto the canvas)
- ddgImage (A convenience object to store a 2D image)
- ddgIterator (This object is used to traverse a DGroup object)
- ddgLCache (Linked cache)
- ddgLNode (Linked cache node)
- ddgLattice (A Three dimensional gridded cube wherein only the inside facing polygons are drawn)
- ddgLight (A light object in a light model)
- ddgLightModel (A lightmodel object in a light model)
- ddgLightObj (Draw a light object in the scene)
- ddgLine2 (2D Line object)
- ddgLine3 (3D Line object)
- ddgLineObj (A one dimensional line in 3-space)
- ddgList (A generic list class which maintains a list of ListNodes)
- ddgListNode (A generic node class which can be maintained by a List)
- ddgMSTri (The information in this class is the same for each TBinTree and can be computed once (and stored) and can be shared amoung all TBinTrees)
- ddgMaterial (A material for rendering)
- ddgMatrix3 (A simple general purpose 3x3 matrix object)
- ddgMatrix4 (A simple general purpose 4x4 matrix object)
- ddgMeshRender (This class takes a TBinMesh and recalculates it (Used for profiling))
- ddgNode (Class to render a generic object in the scene)
- ddgNoise (A noise generation class based on Perlin noise)
- ddgOctTree (The OctTree organizes objects spatially)
- ddgParticle (A Particle Cloud object)
- ddgPath (This object maintains a set of positions and orientations)
- ddgPlane2 (This is a special 2 dimensional plane, it is defined by a normal like a 3d plane but is actually a line defined by the points which are orthogonal to the line)
- ddgPlane3 (General form of plane equation:
ax + by + cz = d
n = = normal)
- ddgPolygon3 (3D Polygon object)
- ddgQCache (This class caches a roughly sorted set of triangles)
- ddgQNode (Queue cache)
- ddgRLALoader (A RLA file loader class)
- ddgRect2 (2D rectangle object)
- ddgReflection (This class uses a stencil buffer to render a number of objects reflected)
- ddgRotate (Convenient class to create a rotate node)
- ddgSCache (This class caches a roughly sorted set of triangles)
- ddgSNode (Sorted cache)
- ddgScale (Convenient class to create a scale node)
- ddgScene (Root to all objects in the scene)
- ddgSky (A semi transparent sky dome that changes color throughout the day)
- ddgSplayIterator (An iterator to traverse the ddgSplay tree without disturbing the tree)
- ddgSplayKey (This class defines the data element stored by the ddgSplay tree)
- ddgSplayTree (The ddgSplay Tree Class is a semi balanced binary tree which guarantees amortized O(ln(n)) access time for insert/remove and find operations)
- ddgSquare (A plane object for rendering)
- ddgStar (Star object maintained by StarClass)
- ddgStarClass (A set of stars)
- ddgStr (Basic string class, supports streaming to output)
- ddgTBinMesh (Triangle Bintree mesh shared data.
- ddgTBinTree (Triangle Bintree mesh)
- ddgTCache (This class caches all the active nodes in the system)
- ddgTNode (Triangle cache)
- ddgText (Text Overlay rendering object which can be used to render 2D lines of text onto the canvas)
- ddgTexture (A convenience function to support textures)
- ddgTorus (A torus object for rendering)
- ddgTransform (Class the performs a generic transformation which can include translation, scaling and rotation)
- ddgTranslate (Conveniant class to create a translate node)
- ddgTree (A Tree object)
- ddgTriangle3 (Ray triangle intersection tests)
- ddgUIColor (UI color control)
- ddgUIColorList (Manage a list of ui controls for colors)
- ddgUIColorView (UI color viewer)
- ddgUIControl (Abstract class from which to derive UI objects)
- ddgUIGroup (This object manages a list of ui objects)
- ddgUIObj (UI object, rendered by a given camera)
- ddgUtil (Very general utlility class with some interpolation and clamping functionality)
- ddgVArray (A class supporting vertex array buffers)
- ddgVBuffer (A class supporting vertex array buffers for rendering)
- ddgVector2 (Two dimensional vector class)
- ddgVector3 (Three dimensional vector class)
- ddgViewport (This class supports rendering a view in a subregion of the main display)
- ddgViewportSet (The set of viewports connected to the window)
Generated at Sun Sep 17 19:27:51 2000 for Digital Dawn Graphics Toolkit by
0.49-991205 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-1999