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This is the verbatim text of the ddgsplay.h include file.
    Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Alex Pfaffe
        (Digital Dawn Graphics Inc)
    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _ddgSplay_Class_
#define _ddgSplay_Class_

#include "util/ddgerror.h"
class WEXP ddgSplayKey
        unsigned int _key;
    union {
        unsigned int _value;
        struct {
            unsigned short _tree;
                unsigned short _index;
        } _ti;

    inline ddgSplayKey( void ) : _key(0), _value(0) { }
        inline ddgSplayKey( unsigned int tree, unsigned int tindex, unsigned int priority )
    {_key = priority; _ti._index = tindex; _ti._tree = tree; }
        inline void set( ddgSplayKey sk )
    { _key = sk._key; _ti._index = sk._ti._index; _ti._tree = sk._ti._tree; }
        inline int compare( ddgSplayKey sk )
                if (_key < sk._key) return -1;
                if (_key > sk._key) return 1;
                if (_value < sk._value) return -1;
                if (_value > sk._value) return 1;
                // They are equal.
                return 0; 
        inline unsigned int index(void)
                return _ti._index;
        inline unsigned int tree(void)
                return _ti._tree;
        inline unsigned int key(void)
                return _key;

// 16 bit index allows for ddgSplay trees to maintain up to ~65000 entries.
class ddgSplayTree;
class ddgSplayIterator;
class ddgSplayNode;
typedef ddgSplayNode *ddgSplayIndex;
class WEXP ddgSplayNode
        friend ddgSplayTree;
        friend ddgSplayIterator;
        ddgSplayKey             _key;
    ddgSplayIndex     _left;
    ddgSplayIndex     _right;
        inline void set( ddgSplayKey k ) { _key.set(k); }

class WEXP ddgSplayTree
        static ddgSplayIndex _nList;
        static ddgSplayIndex _fList;
    static unsigned int _refCount;
        static unsigned int _maxSize;
    static ddgSplayKey _minNode;
    static ddgSplayKey _maxNode;
        ddgSplayIndex _nullNode;
    ddgSplayIndex _header;
        unsigned int _size;
        static unsigned int _totalSize;

        ddgSplayIndex ddgSplay( ddgSplayKey Item, ddgSplayIndex n );
        ddgSplayIndex SingleRotateWithLeft( ddgSplayIndex n );
        ddgSplayIndex SingleRotateWithRight( ddgSplayIndex n );
        ddgSplayIndex clear( ddgSplayIndex n );
        inline ddgSplayIndex find( ddgSplayKey k, ddgSplayIndex n )
    { return ddgSplay( k, n ); }
    inline ddgSplayIndex findMin( ddgSplayIndex n );
    inline ddgSplayIndex findMax( ddgSplayIndex n );
        ddgSplayIndex insert( ddgSplayKey k, ddgSplayIndex n );
        ddgSplayIndex remove( ddgSplayKey k, ddgSplayIndex n );

        ddgSplayIndex _root;
        inline void clear( void  )       { _root = clear(_root); }
        inline void find( ddgSplayKey ti )  { _root = find(ti,_root); }
        inline void findMin( void )      { _root = findMin(_root); }
        inline void findMax( void )      { _root = findMax(_root); }
        inline void insert( ddgSplayKey k ) { _root = insert(k,_root); }
        inline void remove( ddgSplayKey k ) { _root = remove(k,_root); }
        inline void insert( unsigned int tree, unsigned int tindex, unsigned int priority )
    { _root = insert(ddgSplayKey(tree,tindex,priority),_root); }
        inline void remove( unsigned int tree, unsigned int tindex, unsigned int priority )
    { _root = remove(ddgSplayKey(tree,tindex,priority),_root); }

        inline ddgSplayIndex root(void)     { return _root; }
    inline ddgSplayKey * retrieve(void) { return &(_root->_key); }
        inline void data(ddgSplayKey k )    { _root->set(k); }
        inline ddgSplayIndex left(ddgSplayIndex si)
        { return si->_left; }
        inline ddgSplayIndex right(ddgSplayIndex si)
        { return si->_right; }
        inline void left(ddgSplayIndex si, ddgSplayIndex sil)
        { si->_left = sil; }
        inline void right(ddgSplayIndex si, ddgSplayIndex sir)
        { si->_right = sir; }
        inline ddgSplayKey key(ddgSplayIndex si)
        { return si->_key; }
        inline void key(ddgSplayIndex si, ddgSplayKey sk)
        { si->_key.set(sk); }
        inline ddgSplayKey * retrieve(ddgSplayIndex si)
    { return &(si->_key); }
        inline void data(ddgSplayKey k, ddgSplayIndex si )
    { si->set(k); }

        ddgSplayIndex allocNode(void);
        void freeNode(ddgSplayIndex n);
        unsigned int size(void);
        inline ddgSplayIndex null(void) { return _nullNode; }
        inline bool isnull(ddgSplayIndex n) { return _nullNode == n; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
        int printTree( ddgSplayIndex n );

class WEXP ddgSplayIterator
#define stackMax 10000
        ddgSplayTree    *_ddgSplaytree;
        ddgSplayIndex   _stack[stackMax];
        ddgSplayIndex   _current;
        unsigned int _depth;
#ifdef _DEBUG
        unsigned int _maxDepth;
        void reset(bool reverse = false)
#ifdef _DEBUG
                _maxDepth = 0;
                _depth = 0;
                _current = _ddgSplaytree->root();
                // find smallest (leftmost) or largest (rightmost) entry.
                while (_current != _ddgSplaytree->null()) {
                        ddgAsserts(_depth < stackMax, "ddgSplay Iterator ran out of stack space");
#ifdef _DEBUG
                        if (_depth > _maxDepth) _maxDepth = _depth;
                        _stack[_depth] = _current;
                        _current = reverse ? _ddgSplaytree->right(_current) : _ddgSplaytree->left(_current);
                if (_depth)
                        _current = _stack[_depth];
        ddgSplayIterator( ddgSplayTree *st, bool reverse = false)
                _ddgSplaytree = st;

        inline void next(void)

                if (_current != _ddgSplaytree->null())
                        _current = _ddgSplaytree->right(_current);
                        while (true)
                        {  // we'll use break to exit the loop
                                // If there is a left child, go to it.
                                if (_current != _ddgSplaytree->null())
                                        ddgAsserts(_depth < stackMax, "ddgSplay Iterator ran out of stack space");
#ifdef _DEBUG
                                if (_depth > _maxDepth) _maxDepth = _depth;
                                        _stack[_depth] = _current;
                                        _current = _ddgSplaytree->left(_current);
                                {  // backtrack 
                                        if (_depth)
                                                _current = _stack[_depth];
                                        else  // stack is empty; done 
                                                _current = _ddgSplaytree->null();
        inline void prev(void)

                if (_current != _ddgSplaytree->null())
                        _current = _ddgSplaytree->left(_current);
                        while (true)
                        {  // we'll use break to exit the loop
                                // If there is a right child, go to it.
                                if (_current != _ddgSplaytree->null())
                                        ddgAsserts(_depth < stackMax, "ddgSplay Iterator ran out of stack space");
#ifdef _DEBUG
                                if (_depth > _maxDepth) _maxDepth = _depth;
                                        _stack[_depth] = _current;
                                        _current = _ddgSplaytree->right(_current);
                                {  // backtrack 
                                        if (_depth)
                                                _current = _stack[_depth];
                                        else  // stack is empty; done 
                                                _current = _ddgSplaytree->null();

        inline ddgSplayIndex current(void) { return _current; }
    inline bool end(void) { return (_current == _ddgSplaytree->null()) ? true : false; }


Generated at Sun Sep 17 19:27:56 2000 for Digital Dawn Graphics Toolkit by doxygen 0.49-991205 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1999